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Dermal Fillers


As we age our skin loses fat and collagen and other important elements that provide facial volume and support. We also start seeing the formation of lines, wrinkle and folds that makes us look older.

Dermal fillers can be composed of a variety of substances, some naturally occurring and some synthetic. One of the most common compounds used in dermal fillers is hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance found in our skin, and it plays a major role in keeping skin hydrated and volumised.


​Areas that can be treated are:

  • Lips

  • Cheeks

  • Tear troughs

  • Nose reshaping

  • Brow shaping/lifting

  • Marionette lines (below the mouth)

  • Naso labial folds (nose to mouth lines)

  • Chin

  • Jaw


What are the possible side effects?

Common side-effects include redness, bruising and swelling and mild lumpiness. These usually resolve within a few hours, but bruises may last a few days.

To reduce bruising and swelling you should stop taking aspirin, exedrin, ibuprofen, aleve, advil. St john's wort or vitamin E one week before treatment. Take arnica two weeks before treatment and avoid exercise for 24 hours.


Recovery time varies for each client, depending on which filler was used. The client can resume most normal activities immediately following the treatment; however, it is recommended not to participate in strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours to reduce swelling and bruising. It will also prevent the migration of the product.


Who is unsuitable for treatment with Dermal Fillers?

Women who are pregnant, breast feeding or trying to conceive are not suitable for any cosmetic injectable treatments. Active herpes/coldsores present anywhere on the face are a contraindication to this treatment, which is fully explained during the consultation. A reported prior sensitivity to any of the dermal filler constituents (rare) would also contraindicate treatment. A thorough medical history is performed at the time of consultation prior to any injectable treatment taking place.




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